Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Good-Bye Team Bond!

It has been busy in Team Bond lately, and since we only have Big Bad Crayfish Brown left, the diary entries have slowed down.  The meanest crayfish of all is still alive and well.  He raises his claws each time anyone gets by the basin. He was one of the second round crayfish that came after many were passing away.  The students were asked to create entries from his point of view.

May 30:
Hello! I'm Big Bad Crayfish Brown.  I'm the only crayfish.  I lost my friends, and I am sad, even though I am the strongest crayfish. I hope I don't die too!

Hi, my name is Brown.  I am a rusty crayfish.  I don't like people around me. I am the only crayfish left, and I am the boss.  I like being by myself.

Hi, I'm Big Bad Crayfish Brown, the meanest crayfish in the town!  Everybody says I am mean, but I don't blame them.  I am Big Bad Crayfish Brown, just like it says in the song! Bye!

Dear Team Bond,
Thank-you for giving me a home for the last couple of weeks.  Alyse, I am sorry that I pinched you...Andy, you too!  I know all of you haven't really enjoyed me as much as Mermaid or Mr. Pinchers.  I wish I was able to feel comfortable around you, but the truth is, you make me nervous.  I am not comfortable being held, but I am working on it.  Perhaps the next class that I get sent to I will loosen up more to. Thanks again, and I hope all of you have a great summer break!
