Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 2 in Team Bond

The first weekend in Team Bond was a bit rough on the crayfish.  Apparently some of the crayfish were not exactly happy with their roommate situation. Typically we have some casualties, as that is the nature of the beast, but I can't recall in past years coming back to find half- eaten crayfish.  I tweeted out the photo below, and I got a reply that made me belly laugh while the kids were still doing their morning work. 

Of course, the students were very concerned, as they have bonded with these critters over the past week.  Here are a couple entries from their crayfish diaries after doing behavioral experiments and observations on the crayfish.
May 19, 2014
 When I made new friends last week, I had a friend named Robert. And guess what?  He's dead!  He was my best friend...even my BFFL!  If he was alive, I would be happy, but he is not. I am really sad. Good-bye for now.
Albert Einstein
Oh noooo! Robert Red died.  My new poor husband! My guess is that Snappy and Robert had a fight...Snappy won. Today I had a playdate...a craydate! I met a new friend named Pincher, but a little accident happened.  I got in a slight fight. Children in Team Bond were recording my behavior.  I hope to have more bold adventures in Team Bond.
Rosy Red

P.S. Did you see what Mrs. Bond tweeted this morning?  This makes me look like one tough cray! The kids were very interested in seeing inside my mouth! 

Dear Emma,
I am sorry that I pinched your hand.  I was just protecting myself, and you were making me feel very nervous.  That's what we do as crayfish, and that is why we have pinchers.  I am glad that you recovered well.  I could tell that you were upset at me.  I hope you can forgive me.

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