Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Rough Beginning for Team Bond 2015 Crayfish

The crayfish arrived in Team Bond on Wednesday, after being shipped out on Monday.  We were very excited to get them unpacked and into the habitats we prepared for them. They came 12 in a bag, and when we opening up the bag, we realized that only 2 of the crayfish were for sure alive.  We were concerned, but through observations, realized there were some that showed a bit of life.  Groups of students took the crayfish to their seats to observe them and study their physical characteristics (what they look like.) Here are some of the entries from the students:


Today I came to Team Bond. I did not have a good trip! When I got into the classroom, I was not feeling so well. Once I got out of the bag, I was ready to meet my friends.  They thought I was dead, but their teacher found out I could be molting. They were surprised to know I was not dead.


Today I had fun.  The kids noticed that when the cat food went on my eye, my eye came in and out. I found out that my name is Fe Fe. I am happy that I found out my name today. I found out my friends are having fun too. I had a great day with my Team Bond friends.
Fe Fe

Cray Cray's Playdate
Hi, I'm Cray Cray. Today was pretty rough. I got attached by Flash X.  She snapped my leg and grabbed on to be so hard.  It hurt really bad. It was on our playdate too! Flash X is my moral enemy. I'll have to defend myself better next time. 

5/14: Hello.  My name is Fauna, and I finally was able to move.  For some reason, I don't want to eat my cat food.  They keep turning my bucket around so I would move, but I like to be quiet.  When it's quiet, I move.  I like to squirm around the bucket to scare the kids. 

As it turned out, Team Bond had 6 crayfish that were alive.  Unfortunately Mrs. Bonkowski's class only had 1 alive. Ms. White only had 5 that were alive.  Because of this, School Specialty is sending up more crayfish next week.  We should get more crayfish next Wednesday!  Hopefully they will be strong enough for the trip! 


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